Wednesday 17 October 2012

Writing Buddy Wednesday: Alexandra Sokoloff

I'd like to welcome to the Taverna my special guest  for today - screenwriter and author, Alexandra Sokoloff. I met Alex via email when being on the committee for the RWAustralia conference on the Gold Coast this year. Alex gave a one day workshop on screenwriting tips for writers AND since she's into the supernatural thrillers, she was on the Paranormal panel that I moderated. She's good people and a very intelligent and fun person to be around.

Now over to Alex....

Eleni invited me here to do a Halloween-themed post, and of course I jumped at the chance. October is my favorite month of the year. Always has been – the wind, the lengthening shadows, that subtle chill in the air. I guess that speaks to an early taste for the dark. Is that nature or nurture, I wonder?

Writing what we do, I suspect that not only Eleni but pretty much every single darker writer of us has at some point gotten the question: “What’s a nice girl (or boy!) like you doing writing stuff like THAT?”

Well, first of all, “nice”? Um… responsible, sure. Compassionate, empathetic, thoughtful. Kind, even. But “nice” isn’t the first word that comes to my mind. Still, much as I may disagree with the word choice, I know what these nice people are trying to ask. Really I think they’re wondering about the life incidents that led us to choose this dark genre of ours (some of us darker than others….). I think that’s a fair question, and one that writers should ask themselves once in a while. The answers can be fascinating.

 For instance, I realized after finally seeing the movie Zodiac recently that the Zodiac killer was a huge early – influence? Inspiration? Impression? What I mean is, I grew up in California and even thought it was years after this guy had dropped off the map, we kids were scaring ourselves senseless by telling ourselves Zodiac stories around the fire at Girl Scout camp. He was our Boogey Man. And dozens of years later that eerie legend worked itself into my newest crime thriller, Huntress Moon.

It’s also only recently occurred to me that perhaps I like to write about ghosts because I went to a haunted high school – specifically, the grand and decrepit old auditorium where I spent most of my high school, rehearsing choir programs and plays, was supposedly haunted by a girl named Vicki who died the night of her prom back in the 20’s. Yes, I know that’s a classic urban legend, but we all believed in Vicki, and there were parts of that auditorium where you just didn’t want to go, alone or with others. Cold spots. Strange noises. Disappearing props.

But somehow it never once crossed my mind when I was writing my ghost story The Harrowing  that I was writing about a haunted school because I went to a haunted school).

Also when I was a teenager I experimented with the paranormal, as teenagers do - ESP, dream interpretation, Tarot, spending the night in graveyards, all that fun stuff, that also ended up in The Harrowing  and Book of Shadows. And you know, there's a lot more in heaven and earth, Horatio! It never ceases to fascinate me.

A lot of the blame for my chosen genre I can put squarely on my father. Dad loved horror and suspense -- books, movies, plays, anything – the house was full of mystery and horror and sci-fi classics, so early on I developed a taste for being scared senseless – possibly in self-defense. Also, my father grew up in Mexico and that country lives with spirits in a much different way than we do in the U.S. (don’t you just love this month for all of the Dia de Los Muertos art?) Dad had a passel of terrifyingly realistic ghost stories that he’d pull out around the campfire to scare us with. Come to think of it, I had a lot of campfires in my childhood…

Also, since Dad is a scientist and Russian, and attended a lot of scientific conferences that got turned into family road trips, I have early memories of us in the family station wagon being followed by the CIA because, you know, Russians were out to destroy the world at the time. All that ever happened was that they followed us around but naturally I’d spice the whole thing up in my imagination – my first attempts at thrillers. And this mixture of science and the supernatural also comes out in my books; I like to walk a very thin line between real and unreal, keeping a reader constantly guessing about whether what is going on is a real paranormal experience or a delusional psychological state, or even a con job. To that end I like to put myself in situations where other people claim to have experienced the paranormal; next week I’m going to be staying (again!) at a notorious haunted Southern mansion that I used as a setting for my poltergeist thriller The Unseen.  (I’ll have six other writer friends with me - this is NOT a place you want to stay in alone!)

I have to admit, though - to me those otherworldly experiences are never as horrifying as the evil that people can do. From the time I was a very young child I was very sensitive to the fact that there's a lot of weirdness out there, and a lot of danger from unstable people. My family did quite a bit of traveling, so along with all the good stuff - great art, ancient cultures, different mores and political beliefs - I was exposed to disturbing images and situations: poverty, desperation, oppression, madness.

I had some pretty scary experiences early on in life that made me convinced that there is actual evil out there – in the form of people who have something terribly wrong with them, who actively want to hurt and destroy. A child molester who’d been trolling the streets around my elementary school tried to grab me one afternoon when I was walking home from school. He was a small and creepy man, and even though I didn’t have any sense of what child molesting was at the time, I knew there was something wrong and dangerous about him and I ran. That was my first full-on experience of what evil looks and feels like, though certainly not my last - and it’s not something you forget or let go.

And I had friends, as we all do, who were not so lucky about escaping predators, and I’ve taught abused kids in the Los Angeles juvenile court system, and my anger about what I’ve seen has fueled a lot of my writing, especially Huntress Moon.

There’s more, of course, and once you start thinking of influences, it’s pretty fascinating how much you uncover about your motivations.

But the great, cathartic thing for me about good mysteries, thrillers, horror, suspense - is that you can work through those issues of good and evil. You can walk vicariously into those perilous situations and face your fears and - sometimes - triumph.

So, all, I wondered, for the writers out there - what kinds of experiences from real life have made you the dark, twisted souls you are? And for the readers – why do you think you seek out this dark, twisted genre?

- Alex

To celebrate Halloween I’m giving away 31 signed hardcovers of my spooky thrillers Book of Shadows and The Unseen

 (covers may be different from those shown above)

If you’re a U.S. resident, enter the drawing, by filling in this form.

And I’m sorry – the drawing is open to U.S. residents only. But all my books are available in e-versions for $2.99 and $3.99. 

Thanks, Alex!!

And yes, I've always questioned the 'nice' too

I've read both The Harrowing and Book of Shadows and LOVED them. 
You will not be disappointed folks. 


m. mundy said...

This was fantastic.People really do think our minds work differently becuse we come up with this stuff. I work in an operating theater but no one else rights about chopped up bodies and ritual sacrifices. Just starting on a new manuscript and going to use the 3 Act 8 sequence plan.Looking forward to it. Maggie Mundy

Cathleen Ross said...

Hi Alex
Great to meet you at the RWA conference. I've always been aware of the otherworldly too and I sometimes think this has saved me from trouble. I've noticed that my daughter has this sense too. I guess what amazes me is the people who walk straight into stuff which is dangerous and can't see it. Are you having fun in the haunted houses?

Alexandra Sokoloff said...

Maggie, I think you'll find the 3 Act 8 Sequence structure really speeds up your writing process at every level. Hope it works for you!

Alexandra Sokoloff said...

Hey Cathleen! I'm always glad to hear that women and especially girls are aware of - I'll call it energy. Otherworldly or not being aware of the dynamics of a situation can keep us out of jeopardy, for sure.

I scare myself in this particular house sometimes, but it's just energy, and I'm with a lot of friends.

m. mundy said...

I will get back in touch with you and tell you how it goes. Plan to have a story all shiny by next years conference to pitch

Eleni Konstantine said...

I think you're right, Alex. I find the evil people can do a lot more terrifying. In fiction, seeing things from the evil's point of view is so creepy because as a writer your imagination can see it front and centre probably more vividly than others.

I think in this day and age with the news, movies and internet SHOWING and telling us the evil in the world, it can make it more graphic.

So I want to squash the evil by writing the good triumphing.

I think coming from a Greek background and having the Greek myths has influenced my attraction to this genre. If you look at the myths, they really are dark and twisted. The images of Tartarus and Prometheus having his liver eaten every day by an eagle; Artemis turning a man into a stag, and then hunting him; the Minotaur being trapped in a labyrinth and needing sacrificial victims; Dionysus and the Maenads who could rip people to shreds in their drunken festivities.

Oh, dark times all right.

Eleni Konstantine said...

Maggie, there is now way I could be a theatre nurse. I'm so glad for caring people like you in the world.

Cathleen, thank goodness you can sense the danger and avoid it.

Alex, there's nothing like good friends to help balance a situation.

Alexandra Sokoloff said...

Maggie, please do let me know! Good luck!

Alexandra Sokoloff said...

Eleni, I love the Greek myths, too - I can only imagine what it must be like to actually come from that heritage! Yes, very dark, and so resonant - some of my favorite movies have those myths running through them (Inception, Chinatown, Silence of the Lambs...)

Eleni Konstantine said...

It's interesting because there's also the Greek Orthodox influence as well which is quite sombre. Byzantine icons are quite rigid but they have a certain beauty to them, even the more morbid ones - like the death of Panagia (the Virgin Mary).

Also Greeks have an attraction to Tragedy (dramas that can be melodramatic) and comedies (as in silly comedies). That's quite a dichotomy. :)

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